September Albums

Downtown Music Mountain #3 Now usually, I would only post on Sunday, but I wanted to make an exception for every last day of the month. I wanted to talk about my anticipated albums for the upcoming month. I don't know if this will be an every month thing, seeing as I don't have any albums in December I'm looking forward to. Of course, I'll do my research but anyways, here are my 8 albums I'm looking forward to in September! Gonna keep it relatively short since I've got eight bands to pay attention to here. Alazka: Pheonix Release date: September 1st, 2017 I found this band pretty recently so not much I can say about them. Also the fact that I've only heard 3 songs by them. So I won't be coming into this album with long awaited expectations. Still, from what I've heard, I'm really interested, especially to hear more of those cleans. Blindwish: Good Excuses Release Date: September 1st, 2017 Even less I can say about this b...