The Contortionist - Clairvoyant Review

The Contortionist - Clairvoyant Released - September 15th, 2017 ------------------------------------------------------------- Formed in 2007, The Contortionist has come a long way from their early deathcore sound. It wasn't until 2010 that they had released their first studio album. While this wasn't exactly The Contortionist we have come to love today, it built the platform for the band to enhance their style. To be more technical, creative, and melodic. As seen on 2014's Language. Long gone are the screams and fast paced shreds. Now we are left with atmospheric vocals and beautiful guitar riffs. But honestly is this a bad thing? Maybe to hardcore fans who loved their early sound. But Language was the band evolving and growing. Clairvoyant is the product of that growth. Shown above, The Contortionist's first single, Reimagined, takes a page from Language and puts the vocals on steroids. So strong yet beautiful. The atmosphere is infectious. ...